Last updated: 18 April 2024

Next review: 4 September 2024

Are you sleeping rough or worried about someone that is?

If you are concerned about a rough sleeper, or sleeping rough yourself, please use StreetLink to report it.

StreetLink enables members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.

Contact and other ways to report

After a report is logged

StreetLink then informs our outreach team, who will arrange for the rough sleeper to get access to local services and support. However, this is dependent on the following information:

  • Location - a specific location for the rough sleeping site on the map
  • Date and time - details the rough sleeper has been seen at the location
  • Description - information about the rough sleeper that will help find them (gender, approximate age, what the person looks like, what they are wearing)

You can request to receive details of the action London Borough of Waltham Forest takes once the StreetLink report is received and an update on what has happened because of your alert.

StreetLink is not an emergency service

If the person you are concerned about needs urgent medical assistance, please call the emergency services on 999